Monday 5 December 2016

Fire by Thirty Five means what now..?

Financially Independent and Retire Early by Thirty-Five. Sounds impossible or really simple, depending on your approach.<br />
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Here's the plan:&nbsp;<b>$50,000 passive income by 10 February 2026 drawn from a combination of Shares, Peer-To-Peer Lending and Investment Property.</b><br />
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In a slightly more detailed way:<br />
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<li>Vanguard shares consisting of Aus Shares, Aus Bonds, International Shares and Aus Property</li>
<li>'Playground' shares, money put into trying to pick stocks. Less than 10% of total Vanguard portfolio</li>
<li>Peer-to-Peer (p2p) Lending. I love <a href="">Ratesetter</a>&nbsp;for a high return, set and forget investment. In the interest of not putting too many eggs in a basket, I want to cap this at 20% of the Vanguard portfolio (it's currently more like 30%)</li>
<li>Investment Property! Oh goody goody, so exciting, here's the strategy</li>
<li>Rentals: I want some for cashflow</li>
<li>Sub-division: For a (not so) quick way to make (a big headache of project management) capital growth.</li>
<li>Rent-vesting: I'm strongly considering moving out of the nice little home I bought 3 years ago, renting another one of similar price and quality so I can claim my little home as a Tax Deduction.</li>
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So where are we starting from? $1,800p/a safe withdrawal from shares and P2P lending, $15000 p/a from rental income (completely ignoring expenses)</div>
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Current Passive Income before expenses: $16,800</div>
Current investment expenses: $15,000 p/a</div>
Net passive income: $1,800</div>
<b>Left to goal: $48,200 p/a</b></div>
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Wish me luck yo! Hopefully I'll update this blog once every week or two for my own accountability.</div>
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