I never make New Years resolutions. It strikes me as quite foolish to say that since the number in the date changed, you have to change too. But my partner went white-water rafting over the break, and I stayed home because I had no annual leave. I also didn't want to die, but that's besides the point. Not that the rafting was going to be terribly dangerous, but the guy leading the trip has a track record for near-death experiences for him and his friends. Think abseiling and getting knocked unconscious, misreading a river and getting sucked through an underwater channel. That kind of near death.<br />
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So I spent New Years at home, alone. It wasn't too terrible at first. I was puppy-sitting and since I had no idea how he would react I wasn't going anywhere. Apart from a bit of shaking we were fine, no barking, no whining. So if I have him visit again I know we'll be okay for fireworks.<br />
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I also had a really good New Years Eve. I took the puppy for a giant walk, caught plenty of Pokemon and got sunburnt. I went to Bunnings, bought some summer veggies (finally) and got them planted, as well as making a frame for the zucchinnis to climb. I made myself some decent coffee (latte art continues to elude me) played some video games, and watched some movies. I drank a bit, and went to bed around 1:30am feeling a little lonely, but really tired after a busy day.<br />
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And then New Years day I watched movies and started to binge watch True Blood. I only walked the puppy for about 15minutes. I did drop by a skate park, but the swarm of school holidays kids convinced me not to even try.<br />
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And then the New Years day public holiday I watched more True Blood. I did manage to get out to the skate park for about 20minutes, but only cause a friend got there first and asked me if I wanted to come by.<br />
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In short, on New Years Eve I created something. I exercised a lot. I lazed around a bit, and I had a great day.<br />
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The other two days I lazed around <i>a lot. </i>I created nothing. I exercised a little. They were really disappointing days. They weren't bad days, but I didn't feel excited or fulfilled. I did download 3 versions of Candy Crush.<br />
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So, I'm not going to make any resolutions to be 'more productive' or 'exercise more'. But I am going to set myself a couple of Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Rewarding and Timely goals.<br />
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<b>Create something every month</b><br />
I know how to knit, I have all the supplies to make basic chainmail or jewellery, I can code and could make a really basic game, I love building things (basic, messy, functional woodwork) and I have a rough idea in the back of my head for a DnD campaign. Just writing this sentence has given me about twelve ideas, one for each month!<br />
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<b>Do something fun and physical 4x a week</b><br />
I try and rock-climb once a week. Roller derby is starting up again and training is 3x a week. I love slacklining and have the all clear from my doctor. Plus the local skate park is about 10minutes away. This isn't really a stretch goal, but a reminder to myself to make sure I get out enough.<br />
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<b>Apply for at least one freelance contract a week</b><br />
And finally, on a less fun more financial note. I have intermittently worked from home on freelance contracts. I enjoy short-term creative work. I hate data entry. I generally apply for data entry work because it's easier, then I get a decently sized job, get bored out my brain and stop working for a couple of months. I'm going to put some more effort into apply for contracts that interest me, not just ones that seem to pay well for easy work. I do this for bonus income, but also to make the most of my free time. I'd rather work on contracts that count towards my one creative item per month, than just get a couple of extra dollars for mind-numbing monotony.<br />
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Oh, and this is on top of the financial goals that inspired me to start this blog (20k by 1st July). Because what's life without too many goals<br />
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